What is the LIPNE Lab

The Leverhulme International Professorship in Neuroeconomics Lab, or more simply the LIPNE Lab, is a multi-disciplined research team at the University of Cambridge Faculty of Economics undertaking novel research in the study of neuroeconomics.

Founded in 2022 after Professor Peter Bossaerts received the Leverhulme International Professorship Award in 2020, the LIPNE Lab features a diverse team of experimental economists, computer scientists, game theorists, political economists, engineers, and admin support with a focus on pushing the understanding of neuroeconomics.

Professor Peter Bossaerts discusses his Research, Janeway Institute University of Cambridge, 2024.

The LIPNE Lab focuses on controlled experiments paired with technology more frequently seen in cognitive neuroscience such as fMRI brain scanners, skin conductive measures, and eye scanners and techniques borrowed from computer science such as computational complexity and network theories to better understand human decision making and markets in situations of uncertainty.

What is Neuroeconomics

Neuroeconomics is an emerging field whereby theoretical and experimental paradigms from economics shed light on the neurobiology behind decision-making (individual, strategic/social, in markets, etc.), and conversely, whereby the biological reality of humans inspires and constrains economists’ choice model. The goal is to understand neural processes, and at the same time push economics beyond a decision theory that is solely based on an “as if” approach (humans act “as if” maximising value”).

Research Topics

The LIPNE Lab explores a wide range of research areas, pushing the boundaries of knowledge. Our findings are regularly shared through numerous publications, contributing to advancements in the field.

Partnership with the Leverhulme Trust and the University of Cambridge

The LIPNE Lab was established through the generosity of the Leverhulme Trust to strengthen the University of Cambridge’s position in the cross-disciplinary field of neuroeconomics. Bringing together the latest research from the Faculty of Economics, Department of Psychology, Faculty of Biology, and working alongside the Addenbrooke’s Hospital, the LIPNE Lab aims to establish the University of Cambridge as the world leader in neuroeconomics research, joining the Faculty of Economics pioneers such as Alfred Marshall and John Keynes. We extend our sincere thanks to the Leverhulme Trust, the University of Cambridge, and the Faculty of Economics for their invaluable support, without which the work of the LIPNE Lab would not be possible.

Team Members

The LIPNE Lab features a diverse range of researchers.


The LIPNE Lab teaches a range of subjects.


The LIPNE Lab is currently seeking postdoctoral researchers. If interested, please contact us via email here. Be the first to know when our upcoming experiments are announced.


📌 Hassan Andrabi, Robert Woods, and Konstantinos Ioannidis have been honored with the prestigious Vernon L. Smith Young Talent Award 2024 by the Society for Experimental Finance (SEF) and Chapman University for their proposal “Markets or Patents? A Comparative Study on Incentivising Collective Innovation.” The award includes a grant to support their research and an invitation to present their work at next year’s Experimental Finance conference in Maastricht, The Netherlands. Congratulations to the team for their outstanding contributions to the field!

📌 Professor Peter Bossaerts delivered a keynote address and contributed to the organisation of the Computational Complexity of Decision-Making (CCDM) Workshop, held from 19–21 November 2024 at the Melbourne Business School, University of Melbourne. The workshop united experts across disciplines to advance understanding of the role of information processing demands in cognition and decision-making.

📌 We are proud to announce that Professor Peter Bossaerts has been nominated at the University of Cambridge Research Culture Celebration, held on 30th September, 2024. The event was co-sponsored by the ARRC Project and the University of Cambridge Institutional Research Culture Steering Committee, recognising individuals for their contributions to fostering a positive research environment. Professor Bossaerts’ nomination highlights his excellence in leadership, professional development, and fostering a supportive research environment.

📌 The LIPNE Lab organised a one-day workshop on Computational complexity and economic decision making on 23rd February 2024. The workshop brought together academics from economics, computer science, and neuroscience.